I currently teach strategic thinking at the Executive Master in Public Leadership Program at UT Austin, and continue to work with our students on a variety of projects.

In the past few years, I have taught and TAed a number of other classes for which I have developed a broad range of materials. These cover a wide range of topics, but are primarily focused on:

  • micro economics
  • international (trade) economics
  • analytics methods (quant and qual)
  • basic regression analysis
  • applied statistics
  • supply chain (oil industry)
  • scenario planning & strategic thinking
  • ethics & leadership

A sample of these tools is available at the bottom of this page. Most of these were not intended to be given to students as hand-outs, but are teaching/discussion aids.

Feel free to use & modify them, but please keep the logo for Miha's Learning Tools.

Economics: Elasticity Primer
